Pest Control Services in Phoenix, AZ
As Arizona’s biggest city, it’s no surprise that Phoenix is a hotspot for both people and pests. The dry, humid climate can be enticing for that latter category but you don’t have to combat them alone.
Here’s what Phoenix residents should know about our home pest control as well as how to get rid of cockroaches, stinging insects, and bed bugs with Maricopa County Pest Control.
Comprehensive Residential Pest Control in Phoenix
When you work with the pros at H&N Pest Control, you can expect more than just an initial visit and treatment for your Phoenix home. Regardless of what your pest problem may be, our goal is to collaborate with you, provide excellent customer service, and give you lasting solutions that will protect your home in the present and the future.
Our experienced technicians have years of experience combating Phoenix’s most dangerous pests, and there’s not an infestation too tough for us to handle.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of German Cockroaches On Your Phoenix Property
German cockroaches can be extremely resilient, and once they’ve made it inside your home, they’re not always easy to get rid of. Cockroaches are excellent hiders and do well at evading danger. Even if you manage to find some of these pests, the ones that survive will likely just relocate to a better hiding spot.
These bacteria-ridden pests can also become resilient to pesticides, but even if you do manage to find a chemical or product that works, these toxic pesticides could be putting your family or pets at risk in the process.
Because over-the-counter pesticides tend to be ineffective or release toxic chemicals that put your home at risk, there’s only one effective way to get rid of German cockroaches and that’s with H&N Pest Control.
Not only can we combat German cockroaches in your home, but our fast, effective treatments can ensure these critters don’t make their way back. If you’re seeing signs of a German cockroach problem in your Phoenix home, you shouldn’t wait for the infestation to get worse – call us today at H&N Pest Control for more information about how our cockroach control services can be your secret weapon against all kinds of cockroaches.
How Dangerous Are Bed Bugs In My Phoenix Home?
While bed bugs aren’t linked to any specific diseases, these parasites aren’t without their health risks, such as:
- Allergic reactions to the bites: While reactions can vary from person to person, it’s extremely common for people to have an allergic reaction to the bite of a bed bug. In most cases, the only reaction left behind is a raised, red welt, but in others, the bite may cause a severe, total-body reaction that requires medical attention.
- Secondary infections: Not all bites lead to a secondary infection, but in rare cases where there’s frequent scratching, a bed bug bite could turn into ecthyma, lymphangitis, or impetigo.
- Insomnia and anxiety: Once they know they’ve got an infestation under their roof, many people report that bed bugs have a negative impact on their mental health, even causing insomnia or anxiety before bedtime.
Ultimately, the best form of bed bug control in Phoenix is working with the pros at H&N Pest Control. If you’re seeing signs of bed bugs in your home, you should contact us for more information about our bed bug control services.
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Why Stinging Insect Infestations In Phoenix Should Be Left To Professionals
Why should you leave stinging insect control up to the pros? Wasps and similar stinging insects can be dangerous to people and pets, especially if you’ve got an allergy to stinging insects. Not only are wasps aggressive defenders of their nests and colonies, but they don’t lose their stingers either – so these pests can sting you as many times as they’d like in a single attack.
In some cases, wasp stings can prove extremely dangerous even if you don’t have an allergy. Stumbling upon a wasp nest could elicit a swarm attack of hundreds of these pests at once. Since wasps often build their nests in hidden crevices, like under porches or on top of door frames, you may not realize you’ve stumbled upon a wasp nest until it’s too late.
It’s a common mistake for homeowners to try and remove a wasp nest on their own, but this can be extremely dangerous. Since wasps can sting multiple times, they won’t hesitate to defend their home if they believe you’re disturbing them.
As for other stinging insects, like bees, it’s important to remove them safely since they’re an endangered species.
Even nests that look inactive may not be as abandoned as they seem, and most homeowners lack the protective gear and training to deal with a wasp or bee nest safely. Fortunately, this is where a professional pest service like H&N Pest Control can lend a hand. With our specialists, our goal is to safely remove any active wasp infestations on your property as well as prevent future ones.
If you’ve discovered a wasp nest or just suspect that there is one on your property, don’t hesitate to call us at H&N Pest Control for further assistance about stinging insect and wasp removal today.